Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm having a love day...

Today, it being Hump Day, I have decided to show some love for the people in my life that play a vital role in my creativity - even though we've never actually met.

Yes, that's right. I'm talking about my Twi girlfriends. While I'm still fairly new to the "fandom," these girls have made me feel right at home. More than that, though, they have accepted me without judgement or prejudice and we always have fun when we're "together." And by that I mean on Skype, talking on the phone, tweeting, texting or gchatting. Wow. That's a lot of cyber conversation!

Besides their wonderful personalities, what I love about these ladies is that whether we're discussing the merits of Rob's wardrobe choices or his fine, British tush, or just shooting the shit about RL and how we're trying to keep our sick and twisted minds under wraps (maybe that's just me, though), it's always a blast and always really nice chatting with them.

We share our stories, spectacular and shitty ideas, pictures and lots of other things that we most likely wouldn't share with anyone we know in our "normal" lives. And this tickles me pink, frankly.

Now that I'm wrapping up Here's to Strategy, I feel I'd be remiss if I didn't thank these girls for their contribution to my writing process as well. So many times I've been stuck in my head or bogged down in a silly little fic that I wrote which will never be published. Sometimes I just want to throw it all out and walk away. But they never let me. And in turn, I hope I've helped them as well.

Each one of these wonderful women is special to me in her own way, so today, I'm spreading the love. Barbi (Barburella), Meg (Megsly), Susan (SusanAshlea), Fizzy (Forever_Liz), and Hez (HezPixie) - I love you all. Thank you.

And for those of you I've met through this fun, whacky world of Twi, fanfic and Twitter - you know I love you all, too. There's plenty of love to go around...


  1. You're too kind. And I'm sure I'm speaking for us all when I say, we kinda enjoy having you around, too. XOXO.

  2. The love flows TWO ways, Loo Loo. Great. Now you just threw me head first into my OWN love day! That's okay, I love lovin' on mah special girls! (Funny how we love the SAME awesome peeps!)


    P.S. THe blog looks fan-effing-tastic! LOL
